Who we are and what we do

The Guernsey Addiction Advisory Service (GAAS) is a voluntary charity dedicated to the prevention of alcohol, gambling and drug related disorders by providing Education, Information, Support and Referral Services

The charity is administered by an Executive Committee drawn from Council membership. This meets monthly to decide policy and approve expenditure.

There are two paid staff: 1 full time Director (Dave Newman – right)  and a full time Dry House Manager (David Prevel – bottom right).

The agency is funded from two sources – rental income from Brockside, the residential dry house, and fundraising and donations.

GAAS receives no funding from The States Of Guernsey, it is entirely self funded

The services provided by GAAS CURRENTLY consist of:

All counselling/group services are provided free of charge

GAAS owns two adjoining houses, one of which is run as a Dry House with 7 beds for residents coming to terms with their drinking/substance use.
Our client base is extremely varied reflecting all the strata of our society. At the top end we work with professionals who still have all the trappings of success but are afraid they will lose them unless they moderate their behaviour.
This contrasts with the bottom range where we work with people who have lost everything and are seen by some as unemployable because of their behaviour. Throughout the range people can, and do, rebuild their lives successfully.
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