Counselling is a service available to any one who feels that they need information and expertise to deal with current difficulties in their life. It is provided by trained Counsellors, who provide their client with an opportunity to discuss situations and explore the options available.
They also provide information to assist clients to make appropriate choices about their course of action.
A successful outcome to counselling is dependent upon the willingness of the client to thoroughly explore the situation and its possibilities.
An objective and non-judgemental view of your situation and encouragement and assistance to come to your own decisions about the most appropriate solutions.
A calm, safe and respectful atmosphere in which to deal with emotional difficulties that may arise.
That, in the event of the alteration or cancellation of appointments or groups, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact you with this information.
The assurance that anything you say or do will remain totally confidential within the counselling branch of the agency. Consultation with other people or agencies who may be involved (Doctors, Family etc.) will only take place with your consent.
The only exception to this rule is when the preservation of confidentiality would result in physical or psychological harm to you or to a third party.
- That you attend for appointments or groups on time and make reasonable efforts to give notice of cancellation or postponement.
- That when you attend for sessions you are fit to take part.
- That you participate in all counselling/group sessions, speaking freely and voicing your opinion on the subject(s) under discussion.
- That you respect the individual rights and confidentiality of Counsellors, Agency staff and other clients.
In the event of a serious grievance or dispute between a client and a member of the counselling or administration staff that remains unresolved, the client should submit a written complaint to The Director for mediation and arbitration.
Should redress not be obtained at this level, the complaint should be re-submitted to The Chairman for the attention and decision of the Executive Committee of The Guernsey Addiction Advisory Service